Cтипендії для онлайн журналістів

Цифрові журналісти та студенти з усього світу можуть подавати заявки на стипендію. Дедлайн – 28 червня 2018 року (далі – англійською).

Fellows are focused on developing a journalism project using the latest technology and approaches, which might include a unique way of looking at news coverage, creative data visualizations, intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial efforts, new efforts in video or streaming, or other digitally led approaches. Through the course of the one-year fellowship, these early-career journalists receive guidance from industry leaders and opportunities to share their work with the digital journalism community.

The fellowship is open to working journalists under 30 who are leading a digital journalism project. The fellowship is designed to provide support and guidance to fellows on both their projects and their own professional development. Applicants can be working either for a company or organization or be self-employed. ONA encourages freelancers and journalists from diverse backgrounds to apply. Applicants in 2018 must be born between Sept. 14, 1988 and Sept. 13, 1995. Full-time students are not eligible for this fellowship.

Each fellowship provides:

  • Three online coaching sessions
  • Registration, travel and accommodations for the Online News Association Conference & Awards Banquet
  • Recognition at the ONA conference
  • ONA membership, with three years’ dues paid in full

If you have any questions, email mjbearfellowship@journalists.org.

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